It’s no secret that the air inside your home can be significantly more polluted than the air outdoors– around 2-5 times more polluted, in fact. We also spend most of our time onboard, which puts us at a greater risk of falling ill when we’re just relaxing. If your crew is made up of children or elderly individuals, it’s especially important to keep your home’s indoor air free of harmful particulates.
The EPA is most concerned with particulates 10 microns in size or smaller, as these are inhaleable. To put that into context, a single micron is 1/25,4000th of an inch… so while these airborne particulates are invisible to the naked eye, they are still pretty dangerous. If inhaled, these particulates can affect your crew’s health and well-being, causing issues down the voyage.
There are many ways to improve your indoor air quality, but filtration is the best solution for removing airborne particulates. Read on for more details about filtration, and why we always recommend electronic air cleaners to our customers!

So what can you do to dramatically improve your indoor air quality? We recommend a more advanced air filter, far more capable than the conventional ones you see in Home Depot and Target. These electronic air cleaners are built to capture smaller particulates, AKA those .2-.3 microns in size. Installing an electronic air cleaner in your Tampa home can filter out up to 98% of the particulates in your indoor air! This is obviously a big step up from your conventional air filters, and it can make all the difference in keeping your air clean. They also require minimal maintenance, so you won’t ever have to worry about changing your filter or keeping it clean!
Further, because they work through passive filtration, they promote the growth of mold and bacteria within your air conditioner. Overall, these filters can cause more harm than good, which is why we NEVER recommend them. They also get dirtier faster and require more maintenance, so while they might be cheaper initially, they are not cost-effective in the long run.

Why choose Ahoy! Cooling & Heating to fix your Air Filters
You can’t put a price on peace of mind, or on your crew’s health. If you’re worried about the effect your home’s indoor air quality is having on you and your loved ones, we highly recommend installing an electronic air cleaner. This advanced air filter will also protect your home’s systems by trapping particulates before they coat the critical parts of your vessel. We all want to protect our investments and our crew… electronic air cleaners will help you do just that. If you’re struggling with indoor air quality issues, call Ahoy! Cooling & Heating.
We would love to talk to you about your different options for filtration, and why we are the best company for indoor air quality improvement. We are committed to high-tech options that really work, and we know that we can help you breathe easier fast!